

John 15:5 says:  “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in Me and I in them will bear much fruit because apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

The Mission of Branches is to Empower, Encourage, and Equip young women with the biblical foundation necessary to persevere throughout their Christian journeys: by studying, understanding, and choosing to live the Word of God.

Branches is a group of young women, ages 18-45, that support each other spiritually and emotionally. Led by Associate Pastor Dianna Harris, this group investigates their individual relationship(s), individually and collectively with God and the World.

The group deals with real life situations and scenarios, in addition to workplace and personal challenges. Branches meet twice a month to unwrap biblical principles, support and share experiences that help to shape and develop each other’s lives.

For more information about Branches, please contact Associate Pastor Dianna Harris by clicking on the email address and sending an email message to

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