What we do is who we are!
“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5
The year of our Lord 2020-2022 will no doubt be remembered as two and a half of the most challenging years in modern history. We could spend days and nights listing all the things that went wrong or we can see the hand of God in the midst of challenges.
We read in the book of Job, Chapters 1-2 that Job was a righteous and wealthy man, in fact there was no one more righteous and blameless than Job. He prayed “in case” his family sinned, especially his nearly grown children (Job 1:1-8). Trouble came one day and everything Job had was taken from him (Job 1:13-22). Job broke out in sores, put on sackcloth and ashes and waited for God. His wife suggested he curse God and die. Job’s friends came to tell him that he must have done something to offend God otherwise all the suffering and misery he was experiencing would not be happening.
But through it all, Job would not waiver in his faith in the One who gave him everything even his life for he said, “Shall we accept good from God and not accept adversity” (Job 2:10). Job trusted God and soon his bad days became good days again. Job’s health returned, his wealth was multiplied, and he was restored! (Job 42:10, 12).
At first glance the book of Job seems depressing, but if you take a closer look the story of Job is about restoration! His words become our battle cry “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him…” Job 13:15.
Due to Covid-19 and sheltering in place, AFC Ministries experienced a renewing period during those years. We suffered losses and setbacks; churches closed, and classes couldn’t meet except online. However, we pressed in and prayed on! And we thank God for you joining with us.
Through the storms, sickness, misinformation and confusion God showed Himself faithful and continued to guide and direct us. We placed all that we were going through in the Masters hands and as we trusted Him, He pulled us through. Additionally, we encouraged each saint to pray for their pastors and their churches, as we became a rutter, a north star to point those who were confused to look to God. We did not recruit, we just ran alongside our sister churches, providing community support, Bible study, Outreach, Prayer lines and Sunday Church Service, known fondly as “Church with Friends.”
With your continued and generous financial support last year, we were able to feed and clothe the homeless, provide housing assistance, reach families in need, pray with and for the sick, and homebound. We witnessed and ministered to those behind prison walls, held a candlelight Christmas Eve service, celebrated with our Friends on New Year’s Eve and prayed 2021 in together!
We reached out to homeless camps, distributed jackets, sleeping bags and survival kits to those on the streets, and joined some of you in your outreach efforts as well. We shared and dropped off food to friends and family members, and we celebrated the goodness of God through communion each First Sunday in remembrance of Him. Your commitment and our Zoom connection allowed us to develop relationships with people in Ohio, Tennessee, Maryland, North Carolina, Texas, Nevada, Los Angeles, the Bay Area, and truckers traveling our nation’s highways providing essential supplies and services to those throughout America.
Through the faithfulness of our “Voices of Faith Prayer Ministry,” God has allowed AFC Ministries to experience His loving caring hands during these difficult times. Yes, we lost friends and relatives, some are still mourning the loss. However, we are trusting and believing God for restoration! Remember Job?
We thank and praise God for all that He has done for this “Two-Fish and Five loaves of Bread Ministry.” We count it a blessing and a joy that you are joining us as we join Him in what He is doing. We could not have done it without Him, He will not do it without us. We are staying the course in 2022 and beyond as God continues to guide and direct us like the star used to guide the world to Christ so many years ago.
Will you join us in support of our most vulnerable people this year? Giving is easy, simply use our secure donation platform by going to www.iam4christ.org click on Resources/Donations button. Your donations are tax deductible and appreciated.
“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”Acts 20:35
In Christ,
Rev. Ron Silas, Pastor